Privacy Can Still Be Beautiful


Many of our clients ask for a fence or a wall topper to increase privacy of outdoor living spaces. Our focus is to build the fence that fulfills the idea our client already has in mind. And we welcome meeting with our clients at our large showroom to discuss and or create their projects as we listen for how we can help their ideas define a space to enhance their yard and also provide a new and private setting. 

We help clients consider where the sun light can best be used as a highlight for  year round family outdoor gatherings. Do you also want a space for quiet fun or even the privacy of napping in a hammock?  The finished design may include being shielded from a bit of harsh light to leave a cooling effect. Sometimes it turns out to be a perfect place to read a book or chatting with a loved one. 

We have a few ways we add personal features that balance the design and have a project turn out just right. One way is to introduce a plexiglass wall extension or a custom design plexiglass fence. Another way is by creating a custom horizontal slatted topper allowing for partial visibility. Both options introduce light and block out unwanted attention.

 Call us for our personal design consultation from Arian Harwell: the owner/designer of Harwell Design. Arian is a wealth of experience using his actual building skills and knowledge that also offer his proven ways that protect your finished projects longer and save you money.  Combined with his trained eye for detail and design at his fingertips, Arian will share the best of both worlds plus answer every question about your project.  Best price, best consult.  You may purchase online now for a limited discount.  

If you are looking for extra privacy in your outdoor living space feel free to give us a call and we can set up a time to give you a Free Estimate! (310) 601-6616